Home Remedies to Reduce Wisdom Tooth Pain

Anyone who has ever had their wisdom teeth extracted understands how painful they are. Most people will tell you to go to the dentist right away to have them removed. While this is the best option, it isn't always feasible. People have jobs and families, so dental care sometimes takes a back seat.

Here are some home remedies for temporary pain relief before having wisdom teeth extracted:

Rinse with warm salt water.
Apply ice, cloves, onion, and cucumber slices.
Tea bags
Peppermint Vanilla Extract Guava Leaves
To clean, apply baking soda paste and rinse with warm saltwater.
Salt water can relieve wisdom tooth pain.
Dentists frequently recommend this remedy as a stopgap until your scheduled appointment. Not only is it one of the most effective ways to relieve wisdom tooth pain, but it is also one of the simplest.

Salt water.
Pour approximately eight ounces of warm water into a glass and mix in two tablespoons of salt until completely dissolved. Rinse with water for 12 seconds, or as long as you can.withstand the salty taste, then spit it out. Repeat the process every few hours until you begin to feel pain relief.
A salt water mouth rinse can help reduce dental bacteria by temporarily increasing the pH balance in your mouth, creating an alkaline environment in which bacteria struggle to survive.

Apply Ice.
Simply use a commercial ice pack or place some ice in a plastic bag, wrap it in a towel, and place it on the swollen area. Ice will relieve some of the pain while also reducing inflammation.

Cold numbs the affected area, thereby reducing pain and tenderness. Cold temperatures can also reduce swelling and inflammation.

Clove Oil
Put some clove oil on a cotton ball or swab and apply it directly to the gums surrounding the tooth.

For some people, the flavour of clove oil is overpowering. If this is the case, mix in a small amount of olive oil. This dilutes the clove oil and makes it milder. Repeat this treatment several times per day, as needed.

When you feel pain in your tooth, cut off a piece of onion and chew it on the affected side of your mouth. This allows the onion juice to penetrate your tooth. If your pain is too severe to chew, use your finger to press the piece of onion directly against the affected tooth and gums.

Cucumber slices
Cut a cucumber into small slices. Rinse the cucumber thoroughly and store the pieces in the refrigerator. When your tooth starts to hurt, place one slice of cucumber in your mouth, directly on the infected tooth. The cucumber's coolness will soothe and relieve the pain.

Tea bags
The most effective way to use tea bags to treat pain is to brew a cup of tea and refrigerate it with the tea bag inside. When it's nice and cold, take the bag and place it directly over the painful gum in your mouth. This will reduce swelling and provide pain relief almost instantly.

Fresh leaves can be packed into the affected area for at least 20 minutes, which should relieve the pain.
Put a few drops of peppermint extract on a cotton swab and apply it to your tooth. After a few minutes, you should feel some relief from the pain.

Vanilla Extract
Rub vanilla extract onto the affected tooth and surrounding gums using a fingertip, cotton swab, or cotton ball.

Guava Leaves
Guava leaves can be applied by slowly chewing them in your mouth. The juices will then be released and take effect within minutes. The other option is to boil 5-7 leaves in a pot for approximately 5 minutes. Once the water has cooled, you can use it as mouthwash.

Baking soda paste
This simple home remedy involves taking some toothpaste, placing it in a small container, and mixing it with baking soda. You can apply the application directly to the affected tooth. The pain should subside within a few minutes.

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